Fractional CIO
Don’t Just Upgrade Your Tech
Fractional CIO Services
Business technology is evolving at a faster pace than ever before, which means technological advancement is an essential pursuit for companies that wish to remain competitive and secure. Unfortunately, this also means that navigating through the many available options in order to maintain a modern and stable system has never been such an involved process.
We believe that the desire to innovate and stay on the cutting-edge needs to be balanced with pragmatism in order to remain cost-efficient and mitigate risk. Our technology consultants will guide your program to IT success.
Technology Leadership for Effective Efficiency
Our technology consultants are dedicated to providing thoughtful, mature, and strategic technological advice to keep your systems secure, functional, and modern. We are in tune with the latest technology, but that doesn’t mean the latest technology is right for your business. We help you sift through the noise in order to secure and implement the right systems for your business.
How Do You Know You Need a Fractional CIO?
Our technology advisors focus on identifying the most cost-effective solutions without sacrificing functionality. This unique focus on business efficiency is what sets us apart from our competition.
Questions to ask yourself:
Do you have full technology adoption?
Does your business respond quickly to downtime?
Is your data secure?
Is your cloud data encrypted?
Does your business maintain necessary compliances?
Can your IT department scale quickly?
If your answer is “no” or you’re not sure, we can help.
Here’s How We Can Help Your Business Thrive
Leadership and Guidance
Proven and Experienced
Knowledge about the latest technology is not the same as having a solid business-focused technological background. Our technology consultants are first and foremost focused on providing business solutions using technology – ideally providing solutions that provide a return on investment and simplicity.
Enhance Operational Efficiency
Technological Process Optimization
Your team is only as good as the systems they use. In a modern business environment, the processes and supporting systems can make or break a business. We have implemented internal systems to enhance processes that have cut operating costs by 30%.
Budgeting and Forecasting
Anticipate IT Costs Accurately
Budgeting for technology can be a complex process, especially in a growing organization. Too often, long-term technology expenses are improperly estimated. Our IT advisors are dedicated to helping you accurately project IT costs so that you can make confident budgeting decisions.
Deployment and Training
Keep your Team on the Cutting-Edge
Deploying a new system or process across an organization is a deceptively complex process that requires a strategic and methodical approach. Whether your company has 100 employees or 1,000, we help identify the best deployment strategy to ensure effective company adoption.
Continuity Planning
Ensure Your Business is Secure
Keep your business secure and always have a plan. Security and stability are essential to a comprehensive IT program. Whether on existing systems or for a new implementation, we help our members develop contingency plans to keep their business stable and secure.
IT Project Strategy
Identify the Best Approach for Your IT Projects
IT projects can involve a high degree of technical complexity. To properly manage technical deployments, it is important to have the right guidance. We provide strategic implementation and project advisory services and, if necessary, we aren’t afraid to get our hands dirty.